Saturday, May 03, 2008

Tales from the Dark Side

Since about 12:00 today I have been trying to help Jennifer upload her new website. We share the same webhosting company (I will not name them here but they have the homonymous name of a credit card with the word web post-pended.) She had exchanged 18 emails with them in an effort to get ftp to work from Dreamweaver. Here are some, just some, of the thousand things we have done in the last 5 and a half hours to fix this.

  1. I checked my own website through a browser and discovered that my website had completely disappeared from the web and I was unable to connect using FTP to the webserver of my own site. At length, I was able to connect using FTP and began to upload my site files. At some point, I realized that the default public folder name had been changed on the host side, and that although my files were visible, they were not the ones that would be accessible from the primary domain.
  2. We tried configuring Jennifer's access the same way but it refused to work. We tried everything, even the web-based utility provided by company creditcardnameweb, which only allows you to upload a single file at time and not any folders.
  3. I feel like this isn't sounding bad enough. Let's be sure to say that two hours went by where we looked all over her computer to see if FTP was blocked and we looked all over the admin client for the company creditcardnameweb to see if the FTP account was configured wrong, and we finally sent the support guy another email with the configurations we were using, a trace route to the ftp site, and the error messages we were receiving.
  4. We gave up and had lunch.
  5. Coming back, I began to try again to figure it out. At length, I set up her site in my computer, and was able to FTP her files and everything was great.
  6. At this point, she could no longer access her site in the web browser on her computer.
  7. What the heck? It's 5:37, her files are uploaded, I can see them on my computer, but she can't see them on hers. She has combed through her security and browser settings and can't seem to change this.
  8. My site still has no webpages! I have written to company creditcardnameweb myself and haven't heard back yet.
There is a dark side to the Internet. It's company creditcardnameweb!

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